
更新于:2013-12-09 18:02:38

1. 反身代词作及物动词的宾语。例如:

Please help yourself to some tea. 请(你自己)用茶。

He teaches himself English. 他自学英语。

2. 反身代词作介词的宾语。例如:

He kept the smallest one for himself.


Take care of yourself. 好好照顾自己。

3. 反身代词作主语或宾语的同位语。例如:

He himself didn‘t know what to do.


I must begin by telling you about the girl herself.


4. 反身代词作表语。例如:

I‘m not quite myself these days. 这几天我不大舒服。

I‘ll be myself again in no time. 我一会儿就会好的。

5. 在个别情况下,反身代词可用作主语。例如:

I hope Miss Green and yourself(=you)are keeping well.



1. 我用刀把自己割伤了。

2. 她年纪太小,无法照顾自己。

3. 她本人就是一位医生。

4. 你最好问问老师他本人。

5. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。

6. 我妹妹和我自己都受到邀请,参加了这次聚会。


1. I cut myself with a knife.

2. She is too young to look after/take care of herself.

3. She herself is a doctor.

4. You‘d better ask the teacher himself about it.

5. That poor boy is myself.

6. Both my sister and myself(=I)were invited to this party.
