
更新于:2014-01-04 22:21:21

  I don't like French. 我不喜欢法语。

  I've never liked fish, I'm afraid. 恐怕我从来就不喜欢鱼。

  I don't like watching [to watch] TV. 我不喜欢看电视。

  I'm not very fond of sound music. 我不很喜欢高声吵闹的音乐。

  I'm not very keen on a hot place. 我不很喜欢炎热的地方。

  I don't go for horror films. 我不喜欢恐怖的电影。

  I really don't care for tea; I like coffee better. 我的确不喜欢茶,我比较喜欢咖啡。

  I dislike selfish people. 我不喜欢自私的人。

  I dislike doing housework. 我不喜欢做家务。

  I really hate gossiping. 我的确讨厌说三道四。

  I don't fancy this place at all. 我一点也不喜欢这个地方。

  There's nothing I like less. 这是我最不喜欢的。

  I can't stand that man. 我受不了那个人。

  I can't bear the smell. 这气味我受不了。

  It's too awful for words. 简直可怕得没法形容。

  It's really awful. 真可怕。

  Horrible [Terrible], isn't it? 真可怕,不是吗?
